Thank you for visiting us. In this post, you'll discover the best essential oils for cysts. So, please read further…
Skin cyst is a common skin problem that many people face. While it’s generally harmless and often resolve without treatment, it can be unsightly especially if it grows around exposed body parts, such as the face, back or neck.
Essential oils for cysts have proven to be very effective remedies. However, it is not easy to determine whether a lump is a simple cyst or something else that requires treatment. For proper diagnosis, it is still best to talk with a doctor and have your lump checked.
Cysts should not be mistaken with skin abscesses or boils. These two contain collections of pus and can be painful. But some cysts do become infected and develop into abscess or boil.
3 Types of Cysts
There are generally three types of cysts: sebaceous cysts, ganglion cysts, and pilonidal cysts.
1. Ganglion Cysts
Ganglion cysts are jelly filled lumps develop along the tendons or joints of the ankles, wrists and hands. These cysts can range in size. They are often mistaken as cancerous lumps but they generally don’t pose any serious threat to health. However, when left untreated, they can interfere with mobility around the affected joints. We’ll talk about several essential oils for ganglion cyst that could help you deal with it.
2. Sebaceous cysts
These are pus filled lumps that develop in a closed sac beneath the skin. These cysts are typically found on the face, neck and beck but can occur anywhere in the body. The most common cause of sebaceous cysts is skin trauma or inflammation of hair follicles which lead to a build-up of keratin. The lump does not cause any pain and poses no danger to health. However, when not remedied quickly it can become infected and inflamed resulting in redness, soreness and swelling. Tea tree oil for sebaceous cyst is among the preferred treatments.
3. Pilonidal cysts
Pilonidal cysts specifically develop on the tailbone. This type of cyst can become infected causing it to fill up with pus. These cysts appear like large pimple above the buttocks and affect men more than women. Although the exact cause is not fully known, it is believed that trauma or ingrown hairs lead to pilonidal cysts.
If any of these cysts are causing you trouble, don’t worry too much. Unless they do not get infected, they remain painless and wouldn’t cause any major problem. While you can opt to have it done under the scalpel by a doctor, there are natural ways that are equally effective and you can even do at home.
Best Essential Oils for Different Types of Cyst
Essential oils have long been used to treat different ailments. Different essential oils have unique properties that make them useful for treating numerous conditions.
Applying a warm compress infused with essential oils can effectively banish cyst. To use essential oil, just add 5-8 drops of the essential into 2 cups of warm water. Soak a clean cloth into the warm water bath and apply it over the cyst. Make sure to use the proper dilution for best effects. Also check if your skin has any sensitivity to essential oils by waiting to see if there is any reaction. Essential oils for sebaceous cysts are known to be very effective and have helped numerous people deal with their skin problem.
What essential oils can be used to remove cyst?
1. Bergamot
The citrusy cent of bergamot essential is not only uplifting but also treats common skin problems like cysts and acne. The oil is derived from the fruit’s peeling. It has antifungal and antiseptic properties that help prevent infection. It also helps promotes skin growth. Frequent use can help minimize the appearance of scars and other skin marks, especially those caused by acne.
2. German chamomile
Considered one of the oldest herbs used for medicinal purposes, the German Chamomile is abundant in Nepal as well as in temperate regions of Asia, Europe, Australia and North America. It contains a high level of lactone compounds such as coumarin which has anti-inflammatory effects that can be used to minimize swelling and puffiness. This also is very useful in treating cysts. Chamomile has also been effective in treating other skin problems such as psoriasis, boils, allergies, abscesses, and inflammation.
3. Lavender
The most versatile essential oil, lavender has very potent anti-fungal and anti-septic properties that can be used to treat an inflamed or infected cyst. Aside from its benefits to the skin, it also poses a soothing and calming effect to the brain and the nervous system. This essential oil is gentle and can be used by almost any skin type, even on children.
4. Frankincense
Frankincense essential oil is a common concoction even in ancient healing traditions. It is used to treat abnormal cysts and skin growths because of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can effectively minimize the discomfort and pain due to ganglion cyst. If you are in search for an all-natural, no preservative frankincense essential oil, the US Organic 100 Frankincense Essential Oil is a good pick. Manufactuered by US Organic Nature for Nature, each bottle of this frankincense oil is replete with healing benefits. Aside from being used to treat ganglion cyst, it can also be used for aromatherapy.
5. Tea Tree
Tea tree oil for sebaceous cyst is a natural way to banish the unsightly lumps in the skin. It is also recommended as a remedy for acne and abrasions abscesses. Tea tree oil is renowned for its antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that make it a staple in different ancient healing traditions as well as an adjunctive therapy to modern treatments. It is also very safe even for sensitive skin.
Finally, there are many other essential oils that have proven to be beneficial for cysts. Oregano, thyme, lemongrass and cypress are equally good for different skin conditions. You can give them a try and see which essential oil works for your cyst!