Thank you for visiting. In this post, you'll learn how does gas x work, what does it do, how fast it work, it's ingredients, side effects and does it work for bloating. Please continue reading to find out…
Do you always feel and look bloated? Do you tend to burp or pass gas involuntarily many times in a day? Do you feel slight discomfort or pain somewhere in your abdominal area? Then you might have a case of extra gas.
Gas is a normal byproduct of food digestion, and humans are believed to pass gas around 13 to 21 times daily. Seems too much? Not quite! However, if you pass gas more than the average range, then you might feel a bit uncomfortable, not to mention, embarrassed.
The most common signs and symptoms of excessive gas in the digestive system are as follows:
• Passing gas more than 21 times daily
• Excessive burping or belching
• Bloating
• Abdominal pain or discomfort
It can be caused by many things such as:
• Eating certain kinds of foods
• Overeating
• Enjoy chewing gums
• Smoking
• Swallowing air while eating or drinking
• Underlying medical conditions like IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Lactose Intolerance
• Side effects of other medications taken
Ways to Get Rid of Excessive Gas
There are many ways on how to get rid of gas such as diet modification, physical activities, supplements and over-the-counter drugs. The best way to prevent excessive gas is by knowing what the primary cause is and doing the necessary intervention.
There are foods that can cause gas such as beans, cauliflower, prunes, food rich in high-fiber, sugar-free products, dairy products containing lactose, fatty foods, spicy foods, carbonated drinks as well as over-the-counter medications.
There are lots of things you can do to prevent excessive gas. For one, avoid foods that can cause extra gas, try not to chew any chewing gums, eating slowly and avoiding soda and other carbonated beverages, avoid smoking and drinking from straws and regular exercise to help release those excessive gas trapped inside your digestive system. Also, try not to swallow too much air when talking or eating.
You can also try taking Lactase supplements, peppermint or chamomile tea, drinks with a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, over-the-counter activated charcoal and Simethiconee. One of the newest and hottest medications used as a very effective and fast-relief for gas, bloating, flatulence and any other symptoms is Gas-X.
What does Gas-X do?
Gas-X is an effective way to ease pain or discomfort in your abdomen, relieve belching, bloating as well as flatulence. If you experience excessive and involuntary burping and farting, abdominal cramping, sharp abdominal pressure and bloating, then Gas-X can help give you that much anticipated and well-deserved relief.
What are the Gas-X ingredients?
When it comes to Gas-X ingredients, the principal and active one is Simethicone. Simethicone is an over-the-counter medication used to help relieve painful and uncomfortable symptoms brought about by the excessive stomach and intestine gas. It is the number one most recommended ingredient by doctors that do not need any prescription before you can purchase one.
How does Gas-X work?
The Gas-X has the active ingredient Simethicone that helps relieve excessive gas symptoms by attacking gas bubbles on your stomach and your intestines. The active ingredient in Gas-X is considered to be an anti-foaming agent.
It works by decreasing the surface tension of the gas bubbles. When the gas bubble’s surface tension drops, this will result in larger gas bubbles in the stomach or intestine. Once the excessive gas bubbles were up, your body can start to process gas by expelling it naturally. The bigger the sizes of your gas bubbles are, the easier it is for your body to expel gas. Once you pass all that excessive gas, your pain and discomfort will be reduced, and any other symptoms will be relieved. It is how Gas-X works.
How fast does Gas-X work?
Every one of us has different biochemistry. The amount of time it needs for you to feel that much-awaited relief from excessive gas will vary and will depend on your biochemistry. However, Gas-X works within a couple of minutes after ingestion. Some who have tried and tested Gas-X reported finding relief just after 15 minutes of taking it.
How to take Gas-X?
Gas-X products come in two forms: Soft Gels and Chewable tablets. The Chewables comes in two flavours – Cherry Crème and Peppermint Crème. It is taken orally, which means you take it by mouth. If you choose the Gas-X Chewables, you need to chew the tablet until all is ingested. As for soft gels, these are very easy-to-swallow shells with the liquid Gas-X inside.
These are usually taken two to four times daily after you eat meals and before bedtime. However, if you already had an appointment with your doctor, just follow his or her prescribed dosage and indicated time of the day that you needed to take them. For pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers, it is also advisable to consult your doctor before taking any form of medication.
What are the Gas-X side effects?
The active ingredient, Simethicone works by helping your body get rid of the excess gas bubbles in your digestive tract. Since Gas-X is not absorbed into the bloodstream, there are no known significant side effects reported, but there is a possibility of experiencing mild diarrhea and heartburn. However, it is essential to take necessary precautions when taking this medication, just like any other drug.
When taking Gas-X, seek for your doctor’s advice for the following reasons:
• If you’re currently taking other medication that has the same ingredients as Gas-X
• If you’re allergic to Gas-X, Simethicone or any of its other ingredients
• If you get an allergic reaction after taking Gas-X such as dizziness, itching, rashes, swelling or difficulty of breathing
• If you are pregnant or suspects to be pregnant
• If you’re a lactating mother who is currently breastfeeding
Does Gas-X work for bloating?
Yes, it does. Does it work for gas? Of course! So, if you want a reliable and quick fix for bloating, excessive belching, farting and abdominal pain or discomfort, you can always trust that Gas-X can help relieve all these annoying and embarrassing symptoms. It is considered safe, effective and fast, also recommended by doctors.